If you were injured on an oil rig, it is important to contact a respected and experienced lawyer who can get you the settlement you deserve as soon as possible. Here are some questions our clients often ask us:
Why Should I Hire a Board Certified Personal Injury Lawyer?
Houston attorney Richard LaGarde represents injured oil rig workers in both Louisiana and Texas. He is board certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in both personal injury and civil trial law, a distinction achieved by less than one-half of one percent of Texas attorneys.
How Should I Choose the Right Oil Rig Injury Lawyer for My Case?
Oil and gas workers have a dangerous job. On more than 4,000 oil rigs and platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and on land in Texas and Louisiana, workers are asked to tackle physically demanding tasks under often-dangerous conditions. The fatality and injury rate for oil rig workers is much higher than average rates in other industries.
There are several types of injuries that may be suffered on the job. These include burns, exposure to
toxic fumes, brain injuries, back injuries, and loss of limbs. Unfortunately, some workplace accidents also result in the loss of life.
Injuries may result from a number of different causes, including:
- explosions,
- falling objects or debris,
- gas leaks,
- high pressure in wells,
- cable breaks,
- unsafe procedures,
- equipment failure and
- improper use, maintenance or storage of tools and materials.
These types of incidents are often traceable to the negligence of an employer or another party.
How Much Will It Cost Me to Hire an Oil Rig Injury Attorney?
Most oil rig injury attorneys, including Richard LaGarde, represent clients on a contingent or contingency fee arrangement. If you want to understand how a contingent fee arrangement works, watch this short video:
If you have suffered an injury on the job due to the negligence of another, you should not have to endure pain and suffering, lost wages and medical expenses without just compensation. It is important to speak with an attorney about your situation. There are often statutes limiting the time in which a person can file a lawsuit, so you should not delay in seeking legal counsel.
In evaluating your case, the LaGarde Law Firm will consider several factors, including the nature and extent of your injuries and the possible liability of your employer and of other parties (such as an equipment manufacturer). We will also consider your legal rights under a variety of laws, including the Jones Act and the Longshoremen and Harbor Workers Compensation Act. In addition, we will consider what legal venue would be most advantageous to your case, whether it be a Louisiana or Texas state court or federal court.
The amount of compensation to which you may be entitled depends on the individual circumstances of your case. Call the LaGarde Law Firm to learn more.
What Do Your Actual Oil Rig Injury Clients Say About Your Firm?
Does It Cost Me Anything to Talk to One of Your Oil Rig Injury Lawyers?
No. We offer free consultations. If you have a question about your personal injury case, call one of our Houston personal injury lawyers today for a free no-obligation consultation. Call us today at (713) 993-0660 or toll free at
1 (866) 524-2733 FREE. If you prefer, fill out the Contact Us Form at the top of this page and we will send you a quick answer to your question.