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  • Am I covered under the Jones Act?

If you suffered an injury on a boat, a floating oil rig or other vessel through the fault of another, then you may be entitled to compensation. Accidents and injuries that occur at sea may be covered by maritime law, including the Jones Act and other laws, and it is important to seek the counsel of an attorney who has experience with this type of case.

Whether you were injured while working on an oil rig or in a recreational boating accident, you may be able to receive compensation. When you consult with a personal injury attorney with LaGarde Law Firm, we will investigate the situation, including the extent of your injuries and the circumstances under which they occurred.

The Jones Act, also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, protects workers who spend at least 30 percent of their time aboard a seagoing vessel. If such workers are injured in the course of their employment, they may sue for damages in federal or state court with the right to a trial by jury.

Injuries at sea may be caused by operating the vessel at excessive speed, improper navigation, failure to maintain safety equipment, overloading of the vessel or collision with another vessel or fixed object. If your injury was the result of negligence on the part of your employer or another party, then LaGarde Law Firm can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

LaGarde Law Firm stands ready to help answer questions you may have about your offshore or maritime injury.  Contact us in Houston at (713) 993-0660 or in Naples, Florida at (239) 500-6040, or toll free at 1-866-LAGARDE (1-866-524-2733) for a free case evaluation.


This article is meant to provide general informational for educational purposes only.  It is not offered as legal advice upon which anyone may rely. The law is different from state to state.  The law changes. You should contact an attorney before taking any legal action.  This firm does not represent you unless and until a Letter of Engagement is signed by you and this firm.

Copyright ©2021 by LaGarde Law Firm, P.C.  All rights reserved worldwide. Richard LaGarde is licensed to practice law in Texas, Florida, and Louisiana.  He is board-certified in both civil trial and personal injury trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

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