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Today’s Hearing in Fun 5’s Case

A number of clients in the Fun 5’s lawsuit against GTECH have indicated that they want to attend the hearing at the Travis County courthouse today.  It is a public hearing and we encourage you attend and listen if you are interested.  Austin district courts have a rotating docket which means we will not know which court will actually hold the hearing until  shortly before the 2:00 p.m. hearing.  There are computer monitors on the walls at the courthouse, and the assignments will come up on the screens (kind of like the arrival/departure monitors at the airport) about 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time of the hearing.  We will go to the assigned courtroom and the judge will confirm with the attorneys the time announcements for each case.  After the time announcements are made, if the court is dealing with more than 3 hours of hearings, some of the cases may be assigned to yet another judge “on the fly.”   That means if you plan to attend the hearing, you should look at the court monitors and see which court has been assigned the case which is known as Steele, et al. v. GTECH Corporation,  Cause N0. D-1-GN-14-005114 .

Remember that the courtrooms are small and it is important to remain silent during the hearings so the judge is not distracted.  Once the hearing is over, your attorneys will be able to meet with you in the hall outside the court to answer any questions you have about the court’s ruling.  Wish us luck.

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